Tah-dah! You are looking at the first major step towards the brand-new look of Soft Reset. I decided that the layout looked just fine, and that the only thing that really needed fixing was the color scheme. I think the whole metal look to the site kicks serious ass, and the original layout is clean and worthy enough to be kept. Also, you'll notice that we've added a fan art section in the nav bar up above, so submit something and I'll be sure to give you props for it! New features for Soft Reset are being developed piecemeal and will be implemented as soon as they are ready. I'll keep you all posted on the new additions as they become available.
For all of you fellow webtoonists out there, the Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards are now accepting nominations for awards in different categories! The format is a bit different this year, and only those individuals who produce webcomics can participate in nominating and voting. Soft Reset is only four months old, so it especially qualifies for the Outstanding Newcomer category. If you like Soft Reset and want to support us, be sure to nominate us for Outstanding Newcomer! It will be a great boost for the site! I've already made my nominations, f'sure.
I feel pumped up about graduation. This shit feels like an emotional rollercoaster, but I know that I'm ready to move on to the next big thing. College has just been a four-year state-subsidized adult kindergarden and I am ready to say goodbye to it all. Not that it wasn't fun while it lasted but - I need money. I realize now that as a young, lower middle-class person living in America, you either have time and no money, or money and no time. Of course, I know which end of the scale I'll be on as soon as I land a fresh-out-of-college job. Either way, I look forward to setting more time aside each day to dedicate towards all of the projects I've had cooking in my head. Also, I would like to devote more time to Soft Reset.
I suppose only time will tell.